Acquiring new customers isn’t always as easy as we’d like it to be. It drains your energy and leaves you with little time for all the other tasks piling up on your desk. While getting new business is important, there are other ways to grow your business revenue that requires…
customer loyalty programs
3 Articles
3 Min Read
Just like you, customers have jobs and they are busy people. It’s your job to think about them all the time, but don’t expect they are thinking about your business every minute of the day. That right there is why customer engagement is very important. If you really want and…
1 Min Read
In today’s competitive marketplace, customer loyalty is very crucial to small business growth. It’s much harder to find a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer. Restaurants, retailers, grocery stores, salons, fitness centers and more depend on loyal customers and repeat visits to continue growing. Building emotionally…
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