Late payments are a common issue that businesses of all sizes face. This may disrupt cash flow or even make it difficult for you to pay your bills. According to a survey by Small Business Trends, 29% of businesses struggle with customers who don’t pay on time. In this blog…
Ready to embark on your tech skills journey? Read on and let’s explore the top tech skills in Nigeria. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, tech skills are the currency of success. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or just dipping your toes into the tech world, staying up-to-date with the…
Whether you own a marketing agency, real estate websites, or you’re a Nigeria-based freelance photographer that submits beautiful imagery to magazines, you’re susceptible to dealing with clients who don’t pay their invoice in a timely manner. Of course, one of the biggest ways to combat this is to utilize online…
In business, proforma financial statements (proforma invoices) are prepared in advance of a planned transaction, such as a merger, an acquisition, a new capital investment, or a change in a capital structure such as incurrence of new debt or issuance of stock. What is a Proforma Invoice? A proforma invoice…
Either invoice or receipt, these are documents you’ve heard about but you might not be aware of the subtle differences that make them exactly what they are. Both invoice and receipt are non-negotiable commercial instruments, which are used during the course of a transaction. So, let’s take a look at what both…
One of the most important things any business owner should emphasize is getting paid on time. Regardless if you’re a freelancer or small business it’s imperative to have an invoicing system in place that ensures your payments are on-time and your cash flow stays positive. Leaving out important information on…
You know how to do the work, you’ve landed the clients, and now it’s time to make some money! So how do you actually go about getting paid for the work you do? Cash flow management for freelancers is more than just finding clever ways to save money personally and…
Also Read: Free Online Invoice for Small Business in Nigeria. Late payment (not getting paid at the right time) is one of the biggest challenges of running a small business in Nigeria. On average, small businesses spend 1.3 days per month chasing invoices, and the average invoice is paid 10 days late….