Most often, many individuals and business owners might need extra cash to handle some financial issues around them. In times like this, when all means of getting money have been exhausted, the best alternative is to consider getting a quick and easily affordable loan online. The process of accessing quick…
As a small business owner, have you ever look at a financial statement and throw your hands up exclaiming, “What do all these numbers mean?” After all, you’re a small business owner, not an accountant. Hiring an accountant is widely considered best practice for small business owners. But delegating financial…
Cash is king when it comes to the financial management of a growing business. Managing cash flow effectively requires significant planning on the part of the business owner. Sometimes, what seems like obvious ways to improve cash flow may result in the opposite. Cash is King! The best indicator of…
In today’s competitive marketplace, customer loyalty is very crucial to small business growth. It’s much harder to find a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer. Restaurants, retailers, grocery stores, salons, fitness centers and more depend on loyal customers and repeat visits to continue growing. Building emotionally…
Billing your customers is very important. Even more critical is getting paid for those bills. Thanks to the ongoing evolution of the Nigerian payments industry, there are more ways to get paid online and more payment tools and platforms to choose from to help find the perfect payment option for…
So many people dream of starting a new venture but are held back by fear, indecision, or any variety of other personal factors. Whether you’re looking to escape the 8-to-5 grind or you just want to earn some money on the side, there are plenty of ways to turn your…
Looking for a reliable online invoicing software for your business? When searching for the best invoicing software to help manage your small business, it is very important you look out for solutions that are affordable, easy-to-use and time-saving. As we all know, starting a small business is hard enough without the extortionate…
Optimists and risk takers like to describe Africa as the “world’s last frontier of lucrative business opportunities”. Take a good look at Africa, you will see two things depending on your personality — You either see a continent full of problems and you just want to escape like those guys…
Even though paying taxes is one aspect that a small business that most business owners try to avoid. According to a conducted research, over 70% of small businesses in Nigeria are not paying their regular taxes to the government. When you become a small business owner, you acquire a responsibility for…
Small Businesses most times underestimate the power of branding. This, no doubt ranks as one of the deadliest mistakes in the world of business. The news mainly focuses on big businesses and their failures (which is understandable), these tiny or big errors collapse successful ventures. But are you ready to…
Based on statistics, almost all entrepreneurs start a business with little or no help; develops a business model, acquires the manpower and other required resources. The entrepreneur bears all the risks and takes all the praises of the business alone. However, all entrepreneurs do not possess the same qualities. There…
Blogging has become the next best thing in Nigeria, as many internet savvy people and even passers-by on the internet own a blog. However, the most popular blogs in Nigeria focus on gossip and entertainment, this is not a surprise coming from a country with the majority of the population…